2018 Annual Business Meeting

Our 2018 Annual Business Meeting was held on July 31, 2018

Watch the 2018 AFMTE Business Meeting

A Big Thank You!

We’d like to give a huge thank you to the volunteers who participated in the 2018 Annual Business Meeting, as well as to the attendees for their feedback and commitment.


The 2018 Annual Business Meeting was held Tuesday, July 31, 2:00p-5:00p EDT/1:00p-4:00p CDT/12:00p-3:00pm MDT/11:00a-2:00p PDT.

  • 2:00 pm Information about meeting process 
  • 2:10 pm Introductions – President’s Welcome 
    • Introduction of Board, Chairs and Presenters Agenda
    • Thanking our ongoing Media Sponsors
    • Educator of the Year Award Process for 2019
  • 2:20 pm President’s Report, Governance Committee Report
  • 2:35 pm Vice President Report
  • 2:45 pm Certification Process Committee Report
  • 3:00 pm Treasurer/Finance Report
  • 3:10 pm Marketing Committee Report
  • 3:25 pm Leadership Development Committee Update & Elections   
  • 3:50 pm Educational Conference Planning Committee
  • 4:05 pm Membership Committee  
  • 4:15 pm Strategic Planning Committee
  • 4:25 pm Teacher Resource Development Committee
  • 4:35 pm Virtual Assistant Report
  • 4:45 pm Q&A
  • 5:00 pm Meeting Adjourned