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Continuing Education Directory

Elevating therapeutic massage & bodywork education

Injury & Pain Rehabilitation with Dr. Ben Benjamin

Presenter: Dr. Ben Benjamin
Dates: 12/27/2011 to 12/27/2011 Time:8:00 PM EST
Address: www.BenBenjamin.com | Webinars

Developing a functional fitness program means increasing flexibility, strength, power, balance, alignment, agility, endurance, and coordination. But before you can work with your clients on any of these principles, you must first address their injuries. In this webinar, Dr. Ben Benjamin will walk you through his approach to assessing an injury through testing and intake skills, effective treatment techniques that have been proven to reduce, prevent and eliminate severe and chronic pain, and functional movement routines to enhance your treatment plan and prevent injury recurrences. Whether this is your first opportunity to study with Dr. Ben Benjamin or you are a veteran, this webinar is not to be missed.

Method of Delivery: Webinars
Number of Continuing Education Hours: 1.00
Cost: $30.00
Sponsor: The Benjamin Institute
Contact Phone: 866-331-7246
CE Provider Approval: Yes
Website: http://www.benbenjamin.com/webinarDescrip.php?id=236428898