Highlights of AFMTE Strategic Plan 2021-22

Elevating therapeutic massage & bodywork education


Alliance for Massage Therapy Education

Highlights of AFMTE Strategic Plan 2021-22


Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) Mission and Vision:

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education serves as an independent voice, advocate, and resource for the massage therapy and bodywork education community.  Working from the principle that education forms the foundation of every profession, the Alliance supports strengthening and elevating educational standards in massage therapy and bodywork.


Review and Organize Infrastructure

Create and Implement a Project Planning Process

Create annual operations and governance maintenance calendar

Create an annual goals and projects calendar

Develop a plan for Board, committee, staff, and volunteer development


Create an Equity, Diversity, and Belonging Committee

Continue the Mentorship Program

Support the Educator Certification Task Force

Develop Teacher Training Course

Develop a social media and communications plan

Annual website and database audit


About the Strategic Planning Committee
Composed of a Chairman and a Board Liaison appointed by the President with the approval of the BOD and the assistance of the LDC and other members as needed, the SPC is charged with developing a Strategic Plan for the BOD of the Alliance that focuses on the main goals of the organization, as well as other items that address the needs of the organization. The SPC is further charged with the periodic review of the Plan at the behest of the BOD.